All you need to kick-start better behaviour in your classroom

Ollie Lovell and Dr. Mark Dowley's Practical Classroom Management online course provides you with the tools, routines, and scripts needed to immediately improve behaviour in their classroom, regardless of where you're at in your career. 

Comprising six foundational principles, and six routines, you'll be prepared to confidently deal with a wide variety of classroom scenarios, including setting up entry routines, defusing debate with a student, gaining attention, navigating a tricky after-class conversation, and more.

Discussion boards allows you and other participants to comment on what you found helpful, or ask questions of both Mark and Ollie directly through the platform. 

If you've been looking for a concise and easy to digest blueprint for a calmer and more relaxed classroom, this is it!

  • Watch or Listen

    Designed to be consumed through the included videos or as audio only. Enables learning and re-learning on the go

  • Tried and tested

    Built on ideas filtered through research and combined decades of practical experience

  • Rehearsal included

    Reinforce key content from the course alone or with friends with our unique, printable rehearsal cards

Course Introduction

Is this course for me?

Practical classroom management is for any teacher looking to improve their presence, techniques, and command in the classroom. Often the difference between a calm and focussed class and one that feels out of control is a few small tweaks to practice. This course sets out many of those tweaks, giving you the tools, routines and crucially, scripts, to help you to have more behavioural success in the classroom

  • Delivered in bite-sized chunks, ideal for working through progressively

  • Laser focus on practical strategies that are immediately classroom ready

  • Designed for audio + video or audio-only consumption for listening on the go

  • Built on ideas filtered through research and combined decades of practical experience

  • Includes 'rehearsal flashcards', available only alongside the online course

Unparalleled value

World class PD to kick-start your classroom management for only $50 AUD

Ordering for your team?

Bulk discounts available

5 or more staff: 5% off

10 or more staff: 10% off

15 or more staff: 15% off

20 more staff: 20% off

Email [email protected] to enquire or arrange an order. 

What people are saying

Recommended for all teachers and leadership

Vicky A

Mark and Ollie's course on classroom management was engaging and relevant. The tools they provided were practical and could be applied straight away. Would recommend for all teachers and leadership at school

Learnt more than I did at Uni

Di T

Really insightful PD, learnt more in this short course than I did in my Behaviour Management unit at UNI

Stay calm and build an environment where everyone can thrive

Sally E

If you are feeling emotionally drained after each class, if student confrontations are too frequent, if you feel frustrated and even angry when students repeatedly break rules, if you feel out of control or just that so much class time gets wasted trying to calm the class down - this course is for you! Ollie and Mark help you set up routines, fill your emotional toolbox which help you stay calm and build a learning environment that everyone can thrive in.

Strategies to implement immediately

Elizabeth P

Practical Classroom Management provided me with strategies I could implement in the classroom immediately!

Fantastic PD for any teacher

Angela H

Mark and Ollie have an excellent manner in deliberate practice, they ensure all have an opportunity to ask questions, practise the routine and talk to other teachers. Fantastic PD, a must for any teacher however long you have been teaching. Can always learn something new or critique your own practice to improve.

Actionable strategies for positive behaviour

Miranda I

Mark and Ollie's course on Practical Classroom Management gave me realistic and attainable strategies for supporting positive behaviours in my classroom, which promoted engagement and increased learning for the students.

Outstanding guidance

Dave T

Outstanding, practical guidance on how to get the best out of students while minimising issues and valuable teaching time lost to poor behaviour.

Laser focus on developing teacher skills

Dean T

Mark and Ollie's course on practical behaviour management has a laser focus on developing teacher's skills through clear routines and tools and deliberate practise. As a bonus, it was a fantastic model of explicit teaching. Highly recommend.

Helped me overcome fear and weakness

Rachael T

Mark and Ollie's passion, enthusiasm and knowledge have helped ignite hope and excitement for very real and tangible practice. It has turned my fear & weakness into a place of curiosity and excitement.

No gimmicks

Nick F

The explanation and modelling was both clear and engaging. The logic of each strategy was compelling—there were no gimmicks. The scripts provided were an effective start/scaffold for ones we could write for ourselves. Nick FMark and Ollie were warm, knowledgeable, generous, and made each minute count. I'd recommend this course to anyone interested in practical tools for improving their classroom management

Take advantage of this unique opportunity

Meet your Instructors

Mark Dowley

Dr. Mark Dowley is Associate Head – Staff Development at the Crowther Centre for Applied Educational Research and Adjunct Lecturer at LaTrobe University. Mark has received multiple teaching awards and consults internationally on behaviour, culture, and belonging. He completed his Doctor of Education and Masters in Education Policy (International) at the University of Melbourne. When he isn't working he enjoys being outdoors; running, swimming, camping and spending time with his family.

Ollie Lovell

Oliver (Ollie) Lovell is a teacher and educator based in Melbourne, Australia and has taught in the public and private sectors, as well as higher education, for over a decade. Ollie is host of the popular Education Research Reading Room podcast, now in its 8th year and with over a million downloads. His first two books, both Amazon bestsellers, are Cognitive Load Theory in Action and Tools for Teachers, with his third book, The Classroom Management Handbook, out in March 2024. Ollie is Director of Steplab Australia, a professional learning platform that provides schools with everything needed to systematically improve teaching. Ollie is also an adjunct lecturer at LaTrobe university as well as currently completing his PhD in self-regulated learning through the University of Freiburg, Germany.