• Engaging video presentation

    Every idea within the course is presented clearly and concisely in video form for maximum engagement and understanding

  • Six hours of PD

    Videos, quizzes and activity combined makes up six hours of top quality professional development

  • Monitor your understanding

    With built in quizzes and activities, track your understanding at every step of the journey as you gain CLT Mastery

Course Introduction

Research Backed

Be at the forefront of understanding of how to apply Cognitive Load Theory to the classroom

Is Cognitive Load Theory Mastery for me?

CLT Mastery is for for anyone keen to take their understanding of Cognitive Load Theory to the next lever. Whether you're a complete novice in the theory, or you've already attended a presentation or even read Ollie's book on the topic, CLT Mastery provides both a solid foundation, and a deep dive into the intricacies of CLT. If you're looking to make better sense of the theory and gain a crystal clear picture of how to apply it in your own classroom, then this course is for you.

  • Delivered in bite-sized chunks with regular quizzes for you to check and improve your understanding

  • More practical examples than any other resource, including how to apply CLT across different subjects and year levels

  • Paced for deep learning, not a quick or rushed overview

  • Spaced repetition of key ideas throughout quizzes to promote long-term retention and mastery of key insights

  • A summary 'Cognitive Load Theory Checklist' for use during lesson planning

  • 6 hours of high quality PD, accredited with a certificate of completion to acknowledge your mastery

Unparalleled value

Six hours of world-class professional development for only $295 AUD

What people are saying:

Ian Archer – Head of Commerce, Xavier College

Oliver Lovell's Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) Mastery Course is an excellent way to evaluate and extend your understanding of the implications of CLT for teaching and learning. The course is a great example of "practise what you preach". For example, Oliver regularly presents information using visual and auditory channels to leverage the modality effect. Furthermore, the quick quizzes at the end of each topic are an excellent example of using spaced and interleaved retrieval practices. The highlight of the course was the explicit instruction on how to use worked examples, including the extended hand-over and faded worked examples techniques. Rather than just rehashing the content covered in his book, Sweller's CLT in Action, Oliver provides context and nuance to his recent thinking about and applying Sweller's CLT. Highly recommend.

Kylie Carey - Literacy Coordinator and Kindergarten Teacher

Cognitive Load Theory Mastery’ was a transformative learning experience. The complex nature of the subject was skillfully broken down into logical, bite-sized segments, making it easier to grasp and retain. The course structure allowed for seamless transfer of the knowledge into long-term memory, ensuring its practical application in my teaching practice. The quizzes provided throughout the course were invaluable, not only for reinforcing my understanding but also for tracking my progress. I was thrilled to witness a remarkable improvement in my post-test score, soaring from 34% to an impressive 92%. This significant growth stands as a testament to the effectiveness of the course material and Ollie's exceptional guidance. Ollie's examples across the K-12 curriculum were relatable and showcased the breadth of cognitive load theory. His passion, deep knowledge, and dedication to education are remarkable. Thank you, Ollie, for all that you taught me.

Salome Ehlers - Teacher

I just completed Ollie's online CLT Mastery. It was very informative and I absolutely loved it. The quizzes were well designed and provided an opportunity to consolidate learning, but it also provided well-thought out examples that emphasised how easy it is to adjust your teaching practices to support learning. I also really love Ollie's passion for teaching and learning. It's absolutely infectious and inspiring! Thanks for taking the time to create this Ollie and I hope to see more, and learn even more!

Lyn Stone - Lifelong Literacy

Working with Ollie Lovell on various projects has been something of a career highlight. His deep and broad understanding of teaching and learning, coupled with his ability to communicate complex ideas in ways that can be easily grasped, put him at the top of his field. Any lessons done with Ollie are lessons well learned!

Oscar Gonzalez - First graduate of CLT Mastery

Ollie's course has been the gateway to getting a deeper knowledge about cognitive load theory. Thanks to his detailed explanations and useful tips, I was able to get a better grasp of how to make use of that theory in order to improve my lesson planning and curriculum design.

Patrick Ellis - Education Lead at Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn

Working with Ollie through the work we are doing at Catholic Education Canberra-Goulburn, has been incredible. Ollie is knowledgeable, passionate and an inspiring educator. He provides practical examples and strategies for teachers to use. Every interaction, every presentation and every conversation with Ollie, I leave with a new insight, a new piece of knowledge for my own understanding and toolkit. Highly recommend seizing any opportunity to work with Ollie.

Emma McCrea - Head of Curriculum, Oak National Academy

Ollie manages to convey the complexities of CLT in a clear, accessible and, most importantly, actionable manner. Perfect for trainees and experienced teachers alike, his work is my go to book for training teachers on CLT.

Jane Reiseger - Tutor

Ollie’s CLT Mastery course has helped me get a better understanding of CLT and shown me how I can improve what I am doing with my tutoring. There is a lot of content in the course, but it is clear and accessible. I really enjoyed watching and listening to Ollie in the videos. I appreciated being able to easily go back through sections, as many times as I needed, to help learn the content.

Meet your Instructor

Ollie Lovell

Oliver (Ollie) Lovell is a teacher and educator based in Melbourne, Australia and has taught in the public and private sectors, as well as higher education, for over a decade. Ollie is host of the popular Education Research Reading Room podcast, now in its 8th year and with over a million downloads. His first two books, both Amazon bestsellers, are Cognitive Load Theory in Action and Tools for Teachers, with his third book, The Classroom Management Handbook, out in March 2024. Ollie is Director of Steplab Australia, a professional learning platform that provides schools with everything needed to systematically improve teaching. Ollie is also an adjunct lecturer at LaTrobe university as well as currently completing his PhD in self-regulated learning through the University of Freiburg, Germany.